plantiSMASH allows the rapid genome-wide identification, annotation, and analysis of specialized metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) across the plant kingdom. It is a specialized extension of the widely used antiSMASH tool, tailored specifically to target plant genomes.
plantiSMASH is powered by several open-source tools:
plantiSMASH version 2.0 is the product of a collaborative effort between:
Supported by the Graduate School for Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS) and Vidi Grant VI.Vidi.213.183 from The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
plantiSMASH version 1.0 was the product of a collaborative effort between:
Supported by the Graduate School for Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS), VENI Grant (#863.15.002) from The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO), a Novo Nordisk Foundation Grant, UK Biotechnological and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) Institute Strategic Programme Grant "Understanding and Exploiting Plant and Microbial Metabolism" (BB/J004561/1), the John Innes Foundation, the joint Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council/BBSRC-funded OpenPlant Synthetic Biology Research Centre grant BB/L014130/1, and a National Institutes of Health Genome to Natural Products Network award U101GM110699.
If you have found plantiSMASH useful, please cite:
plantiSMASH: automated identification, annotation and expression analysis of plant biosynthetic gene clusters.
Satria A. Kautsar, Hernando G Suarez Duran, Kai Blin, Anne Osbourn & Marnix H. Medema
Nucleic Acids Research, 45(W1), W55-W63. (2017)