Plant Specialized Metabolite Analysis
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Download plantiSMASH standalone

Stand-alone versions of plantiSMASH are available through our GitHub page.

The current standalone release is plantiSMASH 2.0-beta (December 16th, 2024).

Install from source

First of all, download the plantiSMASH python source from our GitHub repo:

Then, make sure you have the following plantiSMASH dependencies installed:

  • glimmer (version 3.02 tested)
  • GlimmerHMM (version 3.0.4 tested)
  • hmmer2 (version 2.3.2 tested, append a 2 to all hmmer2 executables to avoid conflict with hmmer3 executable names, like hmmalign -> hmmalign2)
  • hmmer3 (version 3.0 and 3.1b2 tested)
  • fasttree (version 2.1.7 tested)
  • diamond (> 0.7.9 required, version 0.7.10 tested1)
  • muscle (version 3.8.31 tested)
  • prodigal (version 2.6.1 tested)
  • NCBI blast+ (version 2.2.31 tested)
  • CD-HIT (version 4.6.6 tested)
  • xz development headers (version 5.1.1 tested)
  • xml development headers (version 2.9.1 tested)
  • python (version 2.7 tested)
  • pplacer (version 1.1 tested)
  • GraPhlAn (version tested)

Create virtual conda enviroment.for installing the plantiSMASH python dependencies.

mamba create -n plantismash python=2.7.18

Activate the conda environment.

conda activate plantismash

Install dependencies by :


Last but not least, run to grab and prepare the databases needed for the analyses:


Scripts that can aid in using antiSMASH:

pHMM seed alignments
Seed alignments used for building pHMMs used in secondary metabolite cluster finding
analysis plug-in
Template code for creating your own antismash 2.0 analysis plug-ins
output plug-in
Template code for creating your own antismash 2.0 output plug-ins
Script for preparing an EMBL file from a TXT file with gene annotations and a DNA sequence in FASTA format
Script for batch-processing multiple files in antiSMASH version 1.x