Plant Specialized Metabolite Analysis
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Server status: unknown
Running jobs: unknown
Queue length: unknown
Oldest job in queue submitted
Long runtime queue: unknown
Oldest job in queue submitted
Jobs processed: unknown
To enable us to operate the plantiSMASH webserver with the resources available, users are expected to upload annotated Genbank-formatted or fasta files with gene/CDS annotations (i.e. fasta = gff3). Please first run your assembly on gene finding tools of your preference, such as AUGUSTUS or MAKER before submitting it into plantiSMASH. If you are analyzing a publicly available genome, please check the database of Precalculated Results first before submitting a job.
Search plant genome sequence for secondary metabolite biosynthesis gene clusters:
Additional analysis:
Gene cluster comparative analysis (ClusterBlast):
Gene expression analysis (CoExpress):
Advanced options:
Show advanced options

CD-HIT Cutoff
: (default: 0.5)
Minimum unique domains
: (default: 2)
MAD Cutoff (CoExpress)
: (default: not set; only filter out genes with 0 MAD)
Display results for an existing job
plantiSMASH License: PlantiSMASH is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0.